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Foundation De France Scam

Foundation's Officer
The Foundation De France
16 Rue Lanterne
Lyon 69001

Foundation De France as established 1979 by the multi million groups was conceived with the objective of Human Growth, Educational and Community Development. The France Foundation in conjunction with the ECOWAS, UNO and European Union. These funds are freely given to you to use for your business educational and  personal development.

You were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the award sum of US$250,000.00 as charity donations aid from the France Foundation, ECOWAS and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament.

You are required to expeditiously contact the Executive Secretary with your Qualification numbers P-333-7858,B-011-67 for processing of your claims, you'll be given your donation pin number. Contact Executive Sec. Mrs. Floraine Costain DPU Information Officer.

Enter personal details:

First Name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Phone Number:

Due Process Unit
Executive Sec. Mrs. Floraine Costain
Address:- 16 Rue Lanterne, Lyon 69001, France
Email: foundationdefrance@yahoo.cn 

Yours faithfully,
Mr. Antoine Farouk
Foundation Officer